Equidaily Racing Journal

2003 Preakness Finish


5/28/03... The Preakness was run on Saturday 5/17/03 -- but here we are a week and a half later and many folks haven't seen the finish! Racing fans who watched the Preakness telecast on NBC were dismayed when the finish line shot was abandoned in favor of a shot of Jose Santos and then his family. With three horses battling for the place and show spots -- completing popular gimmicks since the favorite won the race -- NBC shocked viewers by cutting away abruptly as Funny Cide crossed the finish line.

Now, as a service from equidaily, those viewers can get their first chance to actually see the place and show horses cross the finish line.

The NBC Telecast Finish

NBC finish

The 2003 Preakness finish as it appeared on the NBC telecast featured, of course, Funny Cide crossing the finish line. That was followed by a brief shot of the finish line area with no horses as Funny Cide ran off the right side of the screen and the following horses had yet to appear from the left side. Before that could happen however NBC abruptly switched to a close-up shot of Santos and Funny Cide galloping out past the wire. Then they cut to shot of the Santos family in the stands.

All interesting stuff -- but not particularly helpful to those folks who were curious about the place and show positions.

NBC announcer Tom Durkin called the final yards this way, "It is Funny Cide, and he's heading home! Back to Belmont! He's won the Preakness by almost ten lengths. Back to Belmont for a date with Triple Crown destiny. Midway Road got up to be second. And it was close for third there..."

Pimlico finish

The Pimlico Feed Finish

... On the other hand, the feed directly from Pimlico locked onto the finish line and catered to the bettors who had cold, hard cash riding on the outcome of those place and show finishers.

Funny Cide crossed the finish line. Moments later Midway Road proved to be a clear second. And then Scrimshaw just edged Peace Rules for the show spot.

Pimlico track announcer Dave Rodman called the finish like this, "It's Funny Cide destroying the field!!! Midway Road was second. Followed by Scrimshaw and Peace Rules..."


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